I think sometimes folks forget that tarot readers are normal people. Magic / flow / spirit / your touch point whatever people want to call it / their experience happens to each person in their own way and it looks different.
I use slang because I worked with kids for a long time and tbh slang explains my mood in a way that works for me, so I use it. I also like poetry and words, but I tend not to engage that way here because when I get in that zone I will describe things from 13 different angles and get really into things, and this is Instagram.
I'm just trying to give you a snapshot of who I am and how I hold space.
#tarottherapy #therapeutictarot #tarot #therapy #tarotcave #tarottroves #tarotreadings #tarothealing #tarotmagic #tarotreader #tarottimeswithheidi #tarotlover #tarotfaq #tarotguide #tarotkween #tarotlife #slang #comeasyouare #tarottimes .
Fabric by @shopglorydays