If you ever need a selfie with an oracle deck of crop circle cards, you know where to come .... ..
#tarotcave #tarot #tarotcards #tarotreading #tarottimes #tarottimeswithheidi #cropcircles #cropcircle #cropcircledeck #mintagemall #selfietime #selfiewall #happyhalloween #happysamhain #iwanttobelieve #cropcirclesofinstagram #hello #whenyoucantstophashtagging #andyoureallyshould ..🛸
UPDATE Feb 10/25
This deck of crop circle oracle cards was given to me as a gift by a long time artist + healer friend of mine. I'm not particularly into crop circles, but I am open to the idea of them, while also being a skeptic. I know, confusing. I eventually added the crop circle oracle cards to a batch of patches from By Tooth And Claw Clothing, and they left my realm entirely.