It's a but late, but Happy Yule everyone! The wheel turns. This is the darkest time of the year where we give each other the gift of our light, our spark, our joy to one another.
I know it's not what most of the world celebrates, but it's what I celebrate.
Give the gift of you #noncommodity
It's also said that "when the sky is darkest men see the stars" Ralph Waldo Emerson
And I like to think about that.
From a mystic Christian persepective, it's when the saviour of the world is come - or from a more witchy perspective when you meditate on your hopes + dreams and plant your seeds of intention for the new year.
You've been through the heart of fall and said goodbye at samhain to the things that hold you back.
In Yuletime you meditate on what's left - after you let go of what's not needed, you inner spooks and boos after letting them get big at Samhain - what's left? What's your dream?
Little wheel of the year tattoo by @zaeya.winter as a tarot trade! One of my faves ever 💜💜
Fabric from one of my tarot wraps.