I got this patch in the middle of winter at #ewma during swarm. I've worn it but never ironed it on like it's made to be. I can't commit to a permanent surface. It matched that tarot trade dye job @chelsamander gave me, and that was special.
But mostly I think about cool it when I'm getting impatient for things to happen. And then wore it around proudly when my multicolored hairs were fresh. There's a huge part of me that is so impatient for things to change for the better. Like "we don't have time to wait for change" is my feeling inside.
But as a tarot reader you have to be with the change for it to shift. It's important to be present, to hold space, to be patient - when all you want to do is turn the page. So I think about this artist - who I could not find the name of at ewma when I bought it but they didn't know it, it was in a basket of other cool things - and send them love & appreciation for this patch because it gives me a lot to think about, always. .
#rocketpop #popsicle #patch #ewma #atira #unnamed #labour #reflection #patience #impatience #tarotcave #tarottrove #tarotstory #coolit
Patch by #ewma