When I made my tarot sign, Jason took my font amd cut it out of metal and also cardboard!!!! I love cardboard it's fun to make anything out of!!! Paintings, forts, silkscreens, signs... it's so utilitarian, overlooked, humble, and perfect. This is the most delicate tarot thing I have in my cave and I love it 💓💓
#tarotcave #tarot #tarotkween #tarotreadings #tarottools #taroyhealing #tarottherapy #tarottrove #tarotstory #tarottimes #tarottimeswithheidi #mintagemall #details #tarotreader #tarotstory #cardboard #laser #cnc #cncart #gifts #tarotgifts #love #thankyou #cardboardtarot #tarotsign #unique sign #oneofakind #delicateutility .
Room by @tarottimeswithheidi