I play around with it for myself and friends, but I don't do chart readings for my clients really. I follow @chaninicholas and appreciate her take on things.
If I were to get an astrology reading locally, I like @sobeyone and his deeply decolonial take on things. I have gone to his full moon intention setting deep nature dance parties and found them very powerful and moving.
#sobeyone #astrology #astrologicallywithsobey #astrologychart #rituals #heidirecommends #tarotfaq #tarottimeswithheidi #tarottimes
Fabric by @mintagemall
UPDATE Feb 10/25
I do offer astrology readings now. I have studied astrology a lot since 2019, and although I do love getting my chart read by other folks (Mystic Sandwich is my go to, I still have to go to Sobey One!), I read my own chart quite a bit too. When I have read astrology charts for folks, they have found it illuminating, and insightful into various dynamics in their lives.
I read from a decolonial lens as well, from a mixture of evolutionary and hellinistic approaches. I don't believe everything is fate (traditional hellinistic approach), but I don't believe everything is just up to your own evolution and manifestation either (traditional evolutionary approach). My experience is that there are things you can do about a situation (evolutionary) and things that are beyond your control (hellenistic), so I use both approaches.